Issues while signing Form 15CB on e-filing portal with Digital Signature | Resolved
Form 15CB is a form which a Chartered Accountant needs to issue generally when a business makes any payment to a non-resident to check and calculate the taxability on such transaction.
Currently there are two methods to submit Form 15CB on e-filing portal:
- To prepare Form 15CB online and submit it online.
- To prepare Form 15CB offline using utility and then submit it on portal.
In both the methods the Chartered Accountant will have to use digital signature, as Form 15CB can be submitted on e-filing portal only using digital signature.
However, in past few days the Chartered Accountant’s have been facing issue while submitting such Form 15CB wherein the digital signature is not getting detected on e-filing portal and it shows an error message stating “Something went wrong”.
The same issue was being faced if an assessee was submitting Form 15CA. Many people were able to resolve the issue by updating the embridge software, however some people were still facing the issue and were unable to submit the same.
To resolve the issue you can try and download the below mentioned Embridge software, to install the software follow below mentioned steps:
- Delete/ Uninstall earlier embridge software.
- Download the embridge software from the link below
- Install the embridge software.
- Restart the system.
- Run the software.
After following the above mentioned steps, try and submit your Forms via digital signature and it should work properly. However, you might have to try once or twice by clicking the dropdown menu for digital signature and later it should start working.
Please note that this new embridge might not work in system with any version of Windows before Windows 10.
To download the Software CLICK ME.
To download updated Software from website CLICK ME.
Guidance on above article by:
Naman Maloo (C.A., B.Com)
He is currently working as Partner – Direct Tax with a renowned firm in Jaipur having experience in dealing Assessments before Income Tax authority, Tax Audit, International Taxation, Tax planning for NRI, Business planning and consultation.
E-mail: | LinkedIn: Naman Maloo
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