Interest u/s 234A applicable even if you pay income tax before due date of filing Income tax Return?
As per section 234A of the income tax Act if you have paid tax before the due date of filing income tax return then interest u/s 234A won’t be applicable.
However as per the recent order of Income tax department u/s 119 for extension of due date of filing Income Tax return and Tax audit report it was clearly mentioned in the last lines of the order that this extension is only for filing Tax audit report and Income Tax return and it won’t be applicable for calculation of interest u/s 234A, therefore for calculation of interest u/s 234A the due date is 30th September and if you don’t pay the tax payable till 30th September then interest @1% per month would be levied on same even if you pay tax before filing your Income tax return.
Therefore to save 1% interest on tax get the tax paid by 30th September 2019.
You can read copy of order here: //
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