Students converted from earlier scheme to revised scheme from July 21, 2021 to August 20, 2021 allowed to appear in Old/ New scheme in November, 2021 examination.
The Examination Department vide its announcement dated June 21, 2021 had given an “Opt out option” for examinees in case examinee himself/ herself or his/ her grandparents, parents, spouse, children and siblings (residing in the same premises) were infected with COVID-19 (with carryover of fee paid and exemptions granted) to the November, 2021 examination cycle.
Thereafter, the last attempt to appear in CA Final and Intermediate Old Course examination was extended to November, 2021 examination irrespective of opting out of May, 2021 examination cycle, vide announcement dated August 20, 2021.
In view of the above announcements, the students who have converted from earlier scheme to revised scheme from July 21, 2021 to August 20, 2021 are hereby allowed to appear in Old/ New scheme (Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence)/ Intermediate and Final (Old)/ Final (New)) in November, 2021 examination.
Accordingly, such students while filling the examination form for November, 2021 examination cycle, are required to specify the scheme they intend to appear.
To read full notification CLICK HERE.
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