ICAI provides assistance against Covid treatment to its member and their family of upto Rs. 1.5 lakh
Earlier we had discussed about ICAI has started life Insurance, medical insurance facilities for it’s members and those services were launched by Committee of members in practice.
However, now looking the increasing cases of Covid in the country ICAI has taken a great initiative of providing assistance against expenses in Covid treatment to the members, the expenses can be incurred for the treatment of members or his/ her dependent relative.
This scheme has been launched by Chartered Accountants Benevolent Fund (CABF).
Now let’s discuss a few important points of this scheme:
Q. Who can apply Application Form for Medical Assistance for treatment of CORONA Disease from the Chartered Accountants Benevolent Fund (CABF)?
A. Any active member of the Institute may apply for Medical Assistance for treatment of CORONA Disease from the Chartered Accountants Benevolent Fund (CABF) by filing prescribed Application Form along with the required documents/enclosures.
Q. Whether CABF Life Membership is mandatory for applying Application Form for Medical Assistance for treatment of CORONA Disease from CABF?
A. No.
Q. What is the meaning of dependent for applying Application Form for Medical Assistance for treatment of CORONA Disease from CABF?
A. Dependent relatives shall include spouse (non-working), children (Son upto 21 years and unmarried daughter up to 25 years), Father (Above 60 having no income), Mother (Above 60 with no income of husband and for widow no age and income restrictions).
Q. Amount of assistance to be provided.
A. Per Family of the Member maximum assistance is 1.5 lakhs (Limited to actual expenses or 1.5 lakh whichever is lower).
Q. Can one take benefit of such scheme for home quarantine?
A. No. Hospitalisation is must for applying for Medical Assistance for treatment of CORONA Disease from the Chartered Accountants Benevolent Fund.
Net taxable income less than 10 lacs of the Member.
To read full FAQ CLICK HERE.
To file Online Form CLICK HERE.
To download offline Form CLICK HERE.
The Hard copy of the Application along with all enclosures/documents as required, be sent to the address mentioned at the top of Application Form i.e. The Member Secretary, CABF, M&C-MSS Directorate, The ICAI, ICAI Bhawan, Plot No. A-29, Sector-62, NOIDA – 201 309.