As of now due date for filing GST annual return for FY 2018-19 is 31.12.2020, which is just a few weeks from now and GSTN has already release GST annual return for FY 2019-20.
This is the second year for GST annual return and from the past experience of taxpayers and professionals it can be said that people are not happy with the current system of GST annual return.
Also although GST annual return is not optional for anyone by law but CBIC by using the powers available has made it optional for tax payers with turnover upto Rs. 2 crore to file annual return.
GST website is showing the below mentioned message for annual return:
“Annual return in Form GSTR-9 for FY 2019-20 is now available. If the tile for filing the same is not enabled, wait for some time as computation of table 8A might be under process in your case which will be completed within 2-3 days.”
“Facility to file annual return in Form GSTR-9 for FY 2019-20 is now available. The Form is enabled for taxpayers whose table 8A computation has been completed. Computation of the table 8A of the said return for auto population from returns is under progress which is likely to be completed soon. Please ensure that all applicable returns of the said year have been filed before attempting to file the said return.”
If you are someone for whom 2019-20 is the first year under GST and for filing of GST annual return, you can start preparing annual return but one must keep in mind that GST council makes many changes in annual return from time to time.
To read notification CLICK HERE.