FAQ related to Special cash package for Leave travel concession (LTC) announced by Central government
Ministry of Finance on 12.10.2020 had announced cash package against Leave travel concession for government employees for the block period of 2018-21 as employees were not able to utilise the amount because of Covid.
Later, ministry of finance had issued various FAQ in relation to same as various queries were raised. In this article we will discuss few FAQ out of all FAQ issued by government: (You can read all FAQ in the link below)
Question | Answer |
Whether an employee is required to take leave to avail this LTC benefit? Whether he is required to undertake any travel? | No. |
If the person or his family member has already taken the benefit of LTC, can the employee still avail this scheme? | This scheme is only available for those employee who have unutilized LTC. |
Newly joined government employee are entitled to Three home town and one anywhere in India in a block of four year. How this will be regulated? | The employee may use any one of the LTC available in a block year. |
As per special LTC provisions, an employee irrespective of his eligibility can travel by air to places like Andaman and Nicobar, J&K and north east under anywhere in India fare. In this case what will be the deemed fare? | The deemed fare has been calculated based on the normal eligibility and special packages won’t be applicable here. |
Whether a single bill is to be submitted or multiple bills can be submitted? | Multiple bills can be submitted. |
An employee incurs expenditure on or before 31.03.2021 but actual receipt of goods or service after 01.04.2021. | The reimbursement is based on production of invoice with details of GST. As far as possible claim should be made and settled before 31.03.2021 to avoid any last minute rush. |
If the employee makes payment using his or her spouse credit card or any other family member card? | It has been clarified that invoice should be in the name of employee. |
Procurement from e-commerce website permissible? | Yes. Provided the goods/ services are charged at 12% or above GST and invoice is in name of employee. |
Whether advance taken as per scheme shall be settled within 30 days of disbursal of advance? | The advance shall be settled on or before 31.03.2021. |
Whether the invoice can be in name of spouse or family member? | Invoice can be in name of spouse or family member who are eligible for LTC fare. |
If employee whose workplace and hometown are in same place and he has exhausted his anywhere in India LTC available in one block year can he avail this benefit? | No. |
Whether purchase of goods/ service on EMI be eligible for this scheme? | Yes it will be eligible. |
Since fresh recruits are not allocated block year, can they avail this scheme? | Yes. |
Can the payment be made through cheque/ DD/ Bankers cheque/ NEFT/ RTGS? | Yes |
I purchased certain items after 12.10.20 but before formally exercising my option. Can it be covered under scheme? | Yes all purchase after 12.10.20 but before 31.03.2020 will be counted. |
To read all FAQ Click below: