DSC needs to be re-registered on new e-filing website which is going live from 07.06.2021

As discussed earlier Income tax department is going to bring new e-filing website with new features and new domain name and same will be live from 07.06.2021.

The Income tax department is also advertising same as e-filing 2.0 and describing same as more helpful to the taxpayers with it’s various features.

Now, Income tax department has been sending messages to the professionals to again register their DSC i.e. Digital signature on new e-filing website going live from 07.06.2021, which was earlier registered on previous e-filing website.

As per the e-mail it has been mentioned that the DSC cannot be shifted to new e-filing website due to security and technical reason. It is important to note that all other details will be migrated on the new e-filing website.

The extracts of the e-mail from Income tax department is as under:

Dear Tax Professional,

Please ensure that you re-register your current valid DSC on the new e-filing portal https://www.incometax.gov.in from June 7th onwards.

The earlier DSC registration on the old portal cannot be migrated due to security and technical reasons.

This is a system generated e-mail and please do not reply. Add no-reply@cpc.incometax.gov.in to your white list / safe sender list. Else, your mailbox filter or ISP (Internet Service Provider) may stop you from receiving e-mails.

e-Filing Team,
Income Tax Department”

Thus, looking at the above e-mail it looks like all the taxpayers will have to also re-register their DSC and same could be a very cumbersome task but normally a DSC, which is valid for 1-3 years, needs to be re-registered when the DSC is renewed after it’s expiry. Hence, this should be a normal task.

DSC is used for various purposes on e filing website some of which are listed below especially in case of company:

  • Verification of income tax return.
  • Verification of TDS return filed.
  • Signing of TDS certificate.
  • Approving tax audit report filed.
  • Recover password of e-filing website.
  • Filing of appeal in Form 35 on e filing website.
  • Submitting reply in assessment proceedings under Faceless assessment system.

Thus, above are various instances under Income tax where the Digital signature is required. Hence, it is very important to register the same on new e-filing website which should be live from 07.06.2021.


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