Code/ Nature of payment 6CR updated by NSDL in challan 281 for paying TCS on sale of goods

In the morning we had posted an article as people were not able to pay TCS on sale of goods collected u/s 206C(1H) and tomorrow being the last day to deposit the TCS collected for the month of October, people got panic as to how they will deposit TCS collected.

However now NSDL has updated code 6CR – TCS on sale of goods so that people can deposit the tax collected.

Although the solution was quick but making such on the last day makes the normal tax payer panic.

Also, the question which still prevails is that what would happen for someone who had already paid TCS under code 6CP as same was available for TCS on sale of goods 2 days ago.

The only option which is available is to use same challan and file their TCS return as the challan would show TCS on sale of goods.


Comment your thoughts below if you have any other probable solution.