Banks to have holidays of around 21 days during October 2021

Below is the list of Holidays for the banks as announced by RBI in the month of October 2021. The Holidays might vary depending on the State specific holidays. As of now the total Holidays for Bank in October 2021 is around 21 days.

Holiday Description Day
Half Yearly Closing of Bank Accounts 1
Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 2
Mahalaya Amavasye 6
Mera Chaoren Houba of Lainingthou Sanamahi 7
Durga Puja (Maha Saptami) 12
Durga Puja (Maha Ashtami) 13
Durga Puja/Dussehra (Maha Navami)/Ayutha Pooja 14
Durga Puja/Dasara/Dusshera (Vijaya Dashmi) 15
Durga Puja (Dasain) 16
Kati Bihu 18
Id-E-Milad/Eid-e-Miladunnabi/Milad-i-Sherif (Prophet Mohammad’s Birthday)/Baravafat 19
Maharishi Valmiki’s Birthday/Lakshmi Puja/Id-E-Milad 20
Friday following Eid-i-Milad-ul-Nabi 22
Accession Day 26

In addition to above the Banks will not function on Sundays and Second and fourth Saturday.


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